It's my Birthday!

I hit the 40 milestone on August 5th! As Victor Hugo puts it, "Forty is the old age of youth; fifty the youth of old age".

I don't regret growing older. It is a privilege that many people are denied!

Having a toddler at 40 years old is no easy task. Young as she is, she is a high-need toddler who demands quality time whenever I come home from work. She learns by imitation and so I do my best to lead by example in showing good behaviors and by being positive around others. I have prayed long and hard to have a child of my own and I'm very grateful that the Almighty is giving me a chance to raise her and mold her into a loving person!

My fears of getting old?

Stress builds up and takes toll on my skin as I juggle my time to fulfill all roles expected of me but I'm not complaining! I'm happy that work and some other things keep me thinking and busy.

Only one other matter persists in mind . . .

Like so many women out there, I stretch myself thin with full and busy life but don’t want to look like the way I do! How I wish I'd have a youthful skin as age sneaks up on me.

My two cents . . .


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