GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare launches its #NewKindOfConfidence Campaign

Earlier today, GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare (GSK) held a forum at The Peninsula Manila.  The impact of denture-wearing among Filipinos was discussed.

By debunking myths and misconceptions, the leading denture care brand Polident, educates and equips Filipinos with a new kind of confidence to overcome the challenges associated with denture-wear. GSK and the Philippine Prosthodontic Society teams up to provide their expertise in proper denture care and hygiene. They launched a public education campaign #NewKindOfConfidence to teach the importance of denture care.  They also launched the first ever "Denture Care Day", marking June 25 as the annual celebration.

Specialists and actual users were invited to talk about the realities and challenges of wearing dentures. The denture wearers shared their insights on how proper denture care and hygiene plays a big role in overcoming the barriers and limitations of wearing dentures.

Specialized Care for Dentures

Unlike real teeth, dentures are softer and more sensitive. This is the reason why the denture brand Polident developed innovative solutions to address common distractions of having false teeth.

Polident's cleanser tablet has a 4-in-1 cleansing system that is gentle on denture material. It cleans without scratching, kills 10 times more bacteria and provides deep clean in just 10 minutes. The tablet only needs to be dissolved in water, where false teeth are soaked for deep cleansing.

Do visit for more information.
