While millions of people are treated with Acupuncture everyday, there are a few who find this needling procedure invasive and would think twice on trying it out despite the good it does in eliminating the root cause of a number of diseases.
Over dinner, Dr. Philip Nino Tan-Gatue introduced us to the advantages of acupuncture. An INTARMED graduate of the University of the Philippines and a licensed medical doctor, Doc Phil specializes on Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture and Moxibustion, including Community Medicine.
He received extensively training from World Health Organization accredited institutions such as the Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences in Beijing. While working as an assistant professor at the University of the Philippines College of Medicine, he also practices acupuncture at the Philippine General Hospital and is serving as the Head of Acupuncture Services at The Medical City.
In the traditional Chinese medicine, it is believed that vital energy, called "Qi", flows through 20 pathways, or "meridians," which are in turn connected by acupuncture points. Acupuncture is a central part of this ancient system of medicine as it is used to open certain points on these pathways and release blocked Qi so that the body can function on its optimum level. Acupuncture works on the vital energy (Qi) points of the body to restore overall health.
Sterile, hair-thin needles are inserted into "acupuncture points" or "energy pathways”on the skin and then gently moved. In Acupuncture, the stainless steel needles inserted into the top layer of skin appropriate for your condition to stimulate the immune system cells. Treatment is tailor-fitted to your individual lifestyle and health issues.
Doc Phil showed us that acupuncture safe when done by trained acupuncturists. He casually sticks a needle or two on his arm with precision to demonstrate. According to him, most people prefer acupuncture over prescribed medications and other medical procedures in treating similar conditions since it has lower adverse effects on the human body. Acupuncture reduces pain naturally, hence it is a natural substitute to medicine. Moreso, the acupuncture treatment is suitable for all age groups. It can be done on young children for as long as they can hold still during the needling.
For appointments or queries on how acupuncture can help you, visit Doc Phil at the following clinics:
Mezzanine, Riovana, Active Fun Building 9th Avenue corner 28th Street
BGC, Taguig
(02)4789408 / +639163534485
Center for Wellness and Aesthetics
6th Floor, The Medical City Ortigas Avenue, Pasig City
(02)6356789 ext 6576
97 Maginhawa Street
Teachers' Village East, QC
Room 208 Faculty Medical Arts Building
University Physicians Medical Center
Philippine General Hospital Compound
Taft Avenue, Manila
(02)7080000 local 160
This year my fibromyalgia got worse. I might be doing too much - that is, I might have fewer symptoms if I cut back on activities more - but I haven't been willing to do that yet. So I decided to try traditional acupuncture Toronto from an actual TCM practitioner.